Writing is hard. it becomes easier with help at your side.

COPY EDITING and Proofreading

Our copy editors and proofreaders will help you review your text to catch any style, spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes you’ve missed yourself. They’ll also help you maintain consistency and tone so you achieve the voice you’re seeking.


Find the assistance you need to bring your book from concept to actuality. If you have no idea how to structure your book, no idea how to start, how to get through, or how to finish, our Substantive and Developmental Editing Services can help you achieve the gold standard your message deserves.


With our authors at your side, find a customized program designed to fit perfectly with your availability, passion, and budget. Individualized programs include long-term discounts.

Imagine where your book would be with the writer’s equivalent of a personal trainer at your side?

All Services provided by estimate

To provide a customized plan and quote for your project, please email publishing@deepearthpress.com to get started. Please provide a description of what services you're looking for, what kinds of projects you're inquiring about, and the approximate size of your project (word count, page number, etc.)

We’ll help you write that dream into being