Day Twenty-seven - Isaac

"Come on!!" Abigail yelled, half her body hanging out the portal.
Paltis threw herself through the open portal as the Pips' attention turned to Jilliup's prone form. The last thing Abigail saw was the mass of vampiric vermin descend on Jilliup.
She wondered what would happen when they tried to eat a powerful faerie...
She looked around at the group surrounding her on the other side. Paltis looking rather tired and annoyed. The true Kelpie King still coming to terms with being fully conscious. An entirely unconscious Tess.
And they were all standing in the council room in the fae realm.
Paltis bowed to the king. "It is good to see you again."
The Kelpie King nodded. "Indeed. That cult of the Everdark really had me for a bit. I should have seen the betrayal coming from a mile away."
Paltis nodded. "Jilliiup's betrayal was certainly a surprise."
The King shook his head. "Not just Jilliup. Belinda!"
"Oh? Did I truly surprise you, Jared?"
Everyone jumped as Belinda emerged from the shadows, a dagger in hand.
"The Everdark shall be opened. And, as it is about to be opened, this charade can end. I shall end you all and it shall herald the new age! The new age of eternal night, when the creatures of the secret dark finally rule over the pathetic mortals!"
Abigail, Paltis, and the King backed away. "I don't get it, though," Abigail's fingers ran over the spirit trap as she slowly placed it on the ground, "Why? Why get involved with Darkstar?"
Belinda laughed wildly. "Get involved? Fool! I am the CEO! I've long maneuvered myself to be lead of the council, to be in a place to imprison the King, to be in a place where I could uncover the Gates."
Paltis arched an eyebrow. "I take it you were the one that murdered the last head of Council. I'd be impressed, if this wasn't going to lead to the end of the mortal world. No mortals means no more hunting. And that is not ideal."
Belinda rolled her eyes. "Ugh. I am so tired of you and your dark and spooky aesthetic. You want real dark and spooky? You're about to meet it from the Everdark. My human thralls open it as we speak. First, though, I shall use this cursed dagger to end the life of the King."
"I don't think so, you spooky bitch!"
Belinda whirled around to see Tess holding the spirit trap. She held it, whispering the words that Abigail had taught her. It lit up as she through it at Belinda, capturing her.
Abigail sighed. "Tess, you deserve a raise."
Tess smiled. "I know."
The King opened another portal. "We don't have time. We have to stop the opening of the Everdark!"
The four rushed through, emerging at the dig site across from the possessed puppy home. In the hole, two men in black suits were pulling on the brass doors at the bottom.
"No! Stop!" Yelled out Abigail.
But it was too late. The doors opened. And out poured the dark.
👍 LIIKE THIS POST to have Abigail pull Tess back through the portal
❤️LOVE THIS POST to have Abigail throw the spirit trap containing Belinda at the dark
POLL RESULTS:  4 ❤️ 4👍

Day Twenty-eight - Leani


Day Twenty-six - Angie