Day Twenty-five - Isaac

The almost blinding lights of the hallway the trio found themselves in emitted a constant and obnoxious buzz. Honestly the amount of stimulus was going to send Abigail over the edge. Her tattoo was going to singe her skin off, Tess kept on shuffling her feet anxiously, and now, oh gods not now- the pocket watch spirit trap holding Jilliup began to tick slowly. She knew this meant it’s power was waning. It would get progressively faster and faster the closer it came to releasing the foxy villian.
Abigail stared down the hallway- something wasn’t right about it. The longer she stared, squinting trying to make out the end, the longer it seemed to get. It appeared to be infinite. Was this just another glamour? Was it a trap in its own way forcing whoever walked down it to be stuck in the corridor for all eternity? And the doors, just doors and doors forever. This whole mission was going topsy turvy. What an initiation for Tess.
Turning her head ever so slightly towards Paltis, Abigail could see the strange figure squinting, grimacing. It was time to make a move. Grabbing Tess by the elbow, and clutching her pocket with the spirit trap she took off like a shot down the hall. If they could shake the terrifying elder they could maybe finally take a moment to breathe and to THINK damnit about what needed to be done. Paltis let out a blood curdling wail of frustration. Abigail’s gamble had paid off for once- she couldn’t follow them here. The unknown reason why simultaneously filled her with hope and dread.
They sped down the corridor, doors by the multitude on either side of them. The doors appeared to be quite plain at first glance, of a standard industrial type with a levered handle and a small metal plate etched with what normally would be a number or a name. Abigail found as she tried to read the plate that her focus would shift and the letters and numbers became jumbled, making it an impossibility.
 “I feel like I’m in one of my own anxiety dreams” Tess chuckled. She always infused humor into a difficult situation- a great gift that. Just like in a dream where you don’t know which room the math test is being given in, they’d have to pick a door and hope to hide out for a moment, get their heads screwed on straight.
Abigail reached out for one of the handles to her left. It was locked. Well shit this wasn’t going to be as easy as she imagined. “We’ll have to keep on trying them and quickly Tess!” They frantically made their way down the hallway jiggling door handle after door handle and coming up short. Had they fallen into a trap after all? Staring down the direction they had come from it was now impossible to see the other end of the corridor- it had the same infinite appearance. It felt like a trap, it felt like a prison. “I think we are coming at this from the wrong angle. Focus. We require focus.” Abigail went still. She chose a door and put her hand upon the handle, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She imagined the thing she most hoped to find behind the door. The thing that would give her the answers she needed. “Behind this door is the true Kelpie King” she murmured. The door opened.
With a gasp Abigail fell into the doorway, Tess at her heels. The air was wet and hot like they were in a sauna. Abigail ran her hands along the wall and felt soft wood, the smell of cedar filled her nose. They were in a sauna? What the hell?
“Ohhhhh now we are talking! Great choice boss we can hang out in here for a while.” Abigail slammed her foot into the door just before it was about to slam shut. “I think we almost were in here for all eternity”. She said wiping her brow. She removed Jilliup from her pocket and took off her jean jacket. She balled it up, shoving it into the door to hold it open. The pocket watch was ticking about once a half second now.
 Through the mist Abigail was able to make out what looked like a male figure lying prone on one what she could see now were long benches. Looking perfectly peaceful and wrapped in a rather luxurious towel was who she could only assume was the main man- the Kelpie King. “Well would you look at that.” Tess sauntered over towards him clearly admiring his lengthy physique. Without thinking she grabbed his wrist. Abigail hissed. Tess lifted his hand up and dropped it comically- totally limp. “I think he’s unconscious boss. What now?”
Abigail looked down at the pocket watch in her hand. This sauna was clearly a very effective prison even though it was a comfy one. She could try and switch out Jilliup for the Kelpie king in the spirit trap and leave her in this prison- a risky endeavor. Who knows if they would be able to fight her off long enough to get out themselves. Or she could give up the watch all together- useful family heirloom that it was, and Jilliup would find herself in this sauna when it finally gave out. They perhaps could carry the Kelpie King out together and revive him….
 👍 LIIKE THIS POST for Abigail to attempt to switch the inhabitants of the spirit trap
❤️ LOVE THIS POST for Abigail to leave the spirit trap and Jilliup in the sauna prison

Day Twenty-six - Angie


Day Twenty-four - Leani