Day Seven - Isaac

Why was it always Latin?
Abigail walked away from the three tied up possessed dogs. If they were speaking in English before, they weren't now. Maybe they never were, and Dorothy just understood what they were saying due to a low level psychic connection to Bambi. She didn't know, and, frankly, she didn't care. Once the sun set, there wouldn't be a problem for the rest of the night.
The bizarre sound of three possessed Pomeranian voices chanting in unison resounded as Abigail left the house.
Regnum sacrum. Regnum sacrum. Regnum sacrum.
Abigail shook her head. Was it really Latin, or is that just what people heard because they expected it from watching too many horror movies? Abigail didn't have time to ponder it any further. Before her was the development, built up on the swampland. Her brow furrowed. Shouldn't wetland protection laws stop this sort of dvelopment? Something was fishy...
She looked at the sign between the traffic cones blocking off the entrance. "Dark Star Industries." What a stupid, ominous business name, she thought as she walked past the orange traffic cones, striding quickly through the construction area towards the swamp.
Abigail quickly turned towards the voice. A wiry man in dirty work clothes eyed her as he leaned against an excavator, smoking a cigarette. "You're not supposed to be here."
Abigail slowly walked towards him, trying to take measure of whether he was a problem. His eyes showed a little too much white. The dark circles under his eyes spoke of lost sleep.
This guy was afraid of something.
Abigail put her hands on her hips. "My name's Abigail. I'm an inspector. What's your name."
The worker took the cigarette out of his mouth long enough to spit at the ground. "I'm not giving any names, and I'm not talking about Ron or the accident."
Abigail's eyebrow arched. If she played this right, it sounded like she could get a good story out of this guy. "You sure? How can I help Ron if you don't let me know what happened? I need info from someone who saw something, and I don't need your name. I just need info to do right by Ron. I'm not here for Dark Star. I'm here to help."
The worker scoffed. "Yeah, that's what Dark Star would say. You know, he didn't even move. He just stood there, muttering something as the excavator bucket swung down. He had time to get out of the way..."
"Do you remember the exact time that happened?"
He squinted. "Why don't you know? The report should have told you all you needed to know about that. Man, with the crazy lady across the street going off about her dog, then this afternoon... Shit is getting weird. There's something about this swamp... I don't even know why Dark Star chose this spot. There's a whole bunch of better sites, there are better directions to expand the school that doesn't land straight into a swamp. And the digging. They just keep digging..."
He crushed the last ember of his cigarette under his heel. "I'm talking too much. You know what, I don't care. I said something. I did my part. I'm going home."
And, with that, he sauntered off.
The sun was definitely setting. Soon, it would be too dark to see anything. Abigail had to get a feeling for the swamp, though. She had to see if there was anything she could do tonight to keep any dogs or workers from getting possessed by whatever the hell was living in this swamp.
She didn't quite get to the swamp, though. She stopped at the giant crater that the construction crew had left. It was oddly deep for just a foundation. Even more odd, the groundwater from the swamp didn't seem to be seeping in. She knelt down to get a better look in the dimming light. As the sun set, a last ray of light reflected off of something metallic at the bottom of the pit.
She jumped in. She reached into her bag and produced a flashlight. Yup, there was something metallic there, alright. She brushed away the dirt. It was a door handle. She brushed away more to reveal the metal door attached to the door handle. She kept clearing the dirt away to reveal a full brass double door. Etched into the door were faces, terrible faces. There were words in a strange language that Abigail didn't recognize.
A chill went down her spine.
A flash of light passed of the top of the pit.
Abigail slowly climbed out, hoping it was just the light from the worker's truck as he was leaving.
But, didn't he already leave?
How long had she been in that pit?
She saw a black car pulled into the parking area. Two men stepped out. The both wore black suits and sunglasses, even though it was well past twilight.
How long had she been down in that pit???
They took out flashlights from their vehicle and turned them on, slowly surveying.
Abigail had to act fast, but she didn't know what to do.
 👍🏼this post to have Abigail tuck and roll out towards the swamp
 ♥️ this post to have Abigail drop back down into the pit with the doors

Day Eight - Leani


Day Six - Josh