Day Nineteen - Isaac

There was no way she could rest now. She had to open the briefcase and figure out what was happening. Her fingers ran across the front. Of course there was a lock.
And of course the numbers and letters of the postcard were the right amount and order of numbers and letters to be the code to open the briefcase.
Abigail entered the code, her fingers flipping the letters and numbers into place. Her fingers inched closer to the release button to open the briefcase...
"Boss, shouldn't we open this somewhere else? What if Dexter was supposed to open this up in the office? Maybe that's why he was headed here..."
Abigail shook her head. "No. If this was dangerous, it would have been a suicide mission." Abigail paused. "Unless this is something that wouldn't have hurt him..."
The briefcase popped open. Both Abigail and Tess peered into the briefcase. Neither really knew what to expect, but it wasn't this.
They looked into the impossibly deep briefcase.
"Huh. I wasn't expecting you two to open this on your own."
Both Tess and Abigail swung around to face the voice. There, in the middle of the office, stood Jilliup, the fox eared council member.
All Abigail could think was how she was just too tired for this shit.
"Jilliup, how are you here? I have this entire building warded enough to keep out a faery army."
Jilliup giggled. "Oh, sweet Abigail. You really do need to get some rest. You're not putting it all together yet?"
She moved closer. "Why, Abigail, you just opened a portal from our realm into yours."
Yep. Definitely too tired for this shit. "Okay... Why do you want to get into my office?"
Jilliup smiled. "Oh, you know, getting you off the case. Using you as a way to further control your father. Finally opening the gates to let the hosts of the Everdark finally wipe the land of you meddlesome, destructive mortals. All I needed was a way in. That was Dexter's job. But you did it for us. And now we don't need to uphold our end of the deal with Dexter, as he didn't actually do the job. Really, this is a win win."
"Wow. Monologuing." Abigail sneered. "How very textbook." Abigail lowered her voice. "And do you know the problem with monologuing."
Jilliup stepped closer to hear Abigail as her voice dropped. "What, little girl?"
Suddenly, the room lit up as the circle of sigils underneath Jilliup's feet flared to life.
Abigail grinned. "It gives me time to figure out how to lure you into the back up spirit trap in the room. Sucker."
Jilliup screamed with rage as Tess and Abigail reached down to fold the trap shut. Suddenly, there was only silence.
Abigail sighed. "Well, we figured out at least one of the moles in the Council."
Tess nodded. "Quick thinking. Even though she was adorable, she was scary."
"That's usually how these things go." Abigail flopped down on the couch in the corner of the office. "I'm going to get a few hours of sleep. Then, we figure out what we're going to do next."
Tess nodded, and shut the blinds. "I'll be back in a bit to wake you."
Abigail nodded off as she thought...
What's her next step?
👍LIKE THIS POST for Abigail to head to the Dark Star offices.
❤️ LOVE THIS POST for Abigail to investigate the gates by the swamp
POLL RESULTS: 2 ❤️ 4 👍

Day Twenty - Maria


Day Eighteen - Leani