“Abby…Abigail- we will leave the throne and go to my chambers” Charles said in what seemed unnecessarily loud to the room, “as is my right during audience”. Who was he talking to? It appeared they were alone now, even Kompis, who had been the only one to show her kindness, had abandoned her.
Charles took Abigail’s hand. She sneered and tried to withdraw from his touch, still deeply angry. As she felt his hand, strangely cold but still the hand of her father, her anger began to melt to sorrow and her eyes filled with tears.
“Abby PLEASE keep it together you must not cry here!” Charles whispered plaintively. “I’ll reveal all to you momentarily”
Turning from the throne, Charles gathered Abigail closer and somehow folded the air, that was the only way she could describe it, and they both slipped through the gap created by the fold. Intense cold overtook her and Abigail felt that she couldn’t breathe, that her very blood had turned to ice, her eyeballs frozen open in their sockets. As quickly as the feeling began it was over and she was left with the lingering suffering of the that strange short journey.
“Gods do you have to go through that anytime you go anywhere” Abigail asked. “That’s nothing compared to the Equine transformation let me tell you.” Charles pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger and sighed. Seeing that familiar gesture made Abigail’s heart leap in her chest. Her father had changed somehow that was clear, but he was still in there.
They found themselves in what appeared an opulent chamber but from the corner of the eye showed itself to be mostly a facade. What looked like a four poster canopy bed with crisp white linens and gold leaf on the richly carved wood was in actuality a pallet made of piles of dried seaweed with a threadbare coverlet that someone probably discarded years ago. “THIS is the King’s quarters??” Abigail’s disgust was evident on her face. “Well the Kelpie folk aren’t like us and they don’t really understand what it is we need, just what we appear to desire based on their “research”. I’m constantly reminding them that I need actual food or I’ll die” Charles’ stomach rumbled in agreement.
Abigail’s body went rigid. “Answers. Now.”
Charles looked awkwardly at the floor and his voice became very quiet. “I’m sorry about before Abby, you must understand, human emotions are so powerful, they will draw the attention of the council. As it stands I am only a fly buzzing around their periphery. An annoyance. But if they are to fully see the power we have that could change and quickly. My intent is to try and get through this term of mine with little incident. Put my head down, get through it, and return to my human life. To you and our family. Seeing you now, seeing your reaction, perhaps that isn’t possible. Perhaps there isn’t any coming back to the way things were before”.
Slightly stunned, Abigail blurted out into the room that was honestly too chilly and too damp “I still don’t understand. You. Are. The Kelpie King?! How did this happen? You’re talking about it like it’s jury duty!”
“Well it is in a way. You see when the actual Kelpie King disappeared, the Kelpies were unable to come to an agreement upon who would be predecessor. There was a lot of squabbling and the Council of Eldrich Elders as punishment for their behavior, and because it’s just the sort of wicked fun they like to have, decreed that a human would serve as their king for an allotted term. You couldn’t know Abby, none of you could. I couldn’t risk you coming to look for me.” Charles’ expression suddenly went flat as if something had dawned on him.
“Well how long is the term??” Abigail asked exasperated.
“One hundred years”.
“WHAT?! Yes I’d say there’s no coming back to your human life after that!!”
“Well I’m working on it Abbie!” Charles pulled at his thick brown hair making it stick up on end. “If the actual Kelpie King can be found then I can get the hell out of here.”
Abigail sunk onto a gorgeous and puffy looking overstuffed armchair only to find that it was a pile of old oyster shells. “Ugh. How were you selected for this anyway. None of this makes sense.” Charles came closer and put a hand on her shoulder. “I am so sorry pumpkin. None of this went down the way it was supposed to. When I was summoned by the council- I thought they were hiring me for a job. I thought I was being enlisted to find the true king. It was a trap. I now believe there are those on the council and in the Kelpie court who do not want him to be found. I believe he was removed from his station forcibly and in secret. I only have one lead it might be a dead end.”
Abigail tried her best to take it in. It was all too much and she began to cry those ugly tears that are a mix of anger and sorrow. She raked her hands through the shell pile despondently.
“You have to go home Abbie. Kompis will take you. His people have always been friends to our family. The gnomes can help keep you safe.”
“What’s your lead dad. I have to know.” Abigail put on her most serious face.
“This all has to do with what may or may not be a human company- something called Dark Star Industries.”
A sharp rap on the door broke their reverie. “It’s Gwen. Your audience must come to an end. Your daughter’s presence is requested by the council.”
A look of horror passed between father and daughter. “You can refuse. You can go home with Kompi. You have not eaten of food nor have you partaken of drink here. Go home now and know that I miss you right down to my bones and that I’m trying my best to figure out how to get back to you.” Charles clutched Abigail’s shoulders.
With resolve, Abigail stood.
“I am going to find out about Dark Star Industries if it’s the last thing I do.”
👍 LIKE THIS POST for Abigail to return home with Kompi
❤️LOVE THIS POST for Abigail to stand before the Council
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