Day Seventeen - Angie

The two men sat towards the other end of the counter, far enough away that Abigail could make out what the Dark Star man was doing if she leaned forward. Far enough away that she could just barely make out their conversation. The oscillating fan sitting by the grill allowed for a few seconds of hearing what they were saying before the fan reared its face towards Abigail’s direction, making hearing anything beyond it impossible.
“Not only will I make that problem at the school go away, but I’ll make it so you never have to work a day in your life ever again.” The man in the Dark Star jacket said in a raspy, deep voice. “Once someone opens..” Vrrrrrrrrbbbbbtttt…. the fan cut in. Abigail strained her ears to try and make out the rest of the sentence but failed.
“Sitting on a beach for the rest of my life does sound nice.” Principal Dexter said and paused as the Dark Star man slid something towards him. “That looks perfect. But I’m…” Vrrrrrrrrbbbbbtttt.
From Abigail’s angle she could see the Dark Star man nod, stand up, hand Principal Dexter a briefcase and a business card, and leave. Abigail slowly leaned forward and saw Principal Dexter tuck money under his coffee cup to pay the tab and rise to his feet. She waited for him to exit, and watched him walk away through the window of the diner. Abigail threw money on the table and thanked the waitress. As she walked towards the door to exit, she walked by where the two men were sitting. On the counter was a postcard of a horse running on a beach. She grabbed the postcard, exited the diner and took off after Principal Dexter.
Once on the street, Abigail felt how exposed she was. She wasn’t sure what direction the Dark Star Man went and took inventory of her surroundings. Up ahead she could see Principal Dexter power walking. Every now and then he would stop, and turn around. Each time, Abigail would duck into a door way or alley. After many blocks of power walking and ducking, she was surprised when he suddenly hooked a right and headed down the street where her office was. Abigail picked up her pace and rounded the corner just in time to see Principal Dexter look down at the business card as he looked up at each building and back down to the business card.
“Why is he going to my office?” Abigail muttered to herself. She checked her watch, 4:56 am. She ducked behind a parked car and sat on the curb, shielding herself from Dexter’s line of sight. She watched Tess’ car pass by her and pull into their parking lot. Principal Dexter started walking towards Tess’ car briefcase in hand.
Abigail hadn’t been able to update Tess on everything that had happened. Not knowing what Principal Dexter has up his sleeve, Abigail needed to figure out what to do next.
 👍 To have Abigail create a distraction that would make Dexter think twice about approaching Tess
 ❤️ To have Abigail attempt to intercept Principal Dexter and put her safety at risk

Day Eighteen - Leani


Day Sixteen - Josh